All tasks can be carried out in part time starting from 0.1 FTE ideally a bit more. Contributing some service work in Computing is rather beneficial for any kind of serious data analysis, since this work strengthens the knowledge about the distributed analysis infrastructure.
1.) Computing Operations and Dynamic Resource Provisioning
Besides the local support for the Tier-2 at DESY the central Computing Operation teams are always looking for help. Besides the 'everyday business' in running production jobs and data transfers the Computing Operations teams commission new middleware components. Interested contributors would go in the details of tools like , e.g. CRAB and WMAgent. There is also interest to include Cloud resources or HPC centers.
Possible Tasks:
* Contribute to the described testing
* Evaluate technology for the CMS use case
* Coordination of a sub-area within Computing Operations
2.) Tier-2 operations and support↵
DESY provides a Tier-2 for CMS. In addition to CPU and Storage resources the site needs to provide some CMS specific services. Those services are run in close collaboration with the Uni Hamburg group.
* Operate and monitor CMS on-site services
- Rucio transfer tools
- Squid caches
* Play an active role in the local data management