| Compact Muon Solenoid Experiment

Open Projects

Open Projects in the DESY Exotics Group

Compact Muon Solenoid Experiment

Open Projects in the DESY Exotics Group



Current job opportunities:


Postodctoral Fellows:


PhD Students:


Opening for PhD position at DESY on the CMS experiment in collaboration with the HAW Hamburg as part of the DASHH
Interdisciplinary Graduate School - Data Science in Hamburg - Helmholtz Graduate School for the Structure of Matter. This is German 75% EGR. 13 (TV-AVH) position for three years.

The DESY Exotics group at the CMS experiment is offering a position for a Ph.D. student in high energy physics as part of the DASHH graduate school. In this project, the student will analyse Run3 data and investigate an intriguing excess observed in the production of top-antitop quark pairs. While bound states have been detected for all five lighter quark types, such states, called toponium, have yet to be observed for the heaviest of all elementary particles, the top quark.

To distinguish heavy Higgs particles from toponium or background fluctuations, advanced machine learning methods using regression algorithms are essential for accurately reconstructing top quarks and their kinematics in data. The student will develop and investigate
generative models, such as generative adversarial networks or normalizing flows and graph neural networks, and combine them with disambiguation-free partial label learning techniques. We expect that such an approach will allow us to improve the sensitivity of the analysis and increase the regression accuracy.



More information an be found here.

For more questions please contact: Dr. Alexander Grohsjean, Prof. Dr. Christian Schwanenberger


Master Students:

Bachelor Students:

For the topics above there are many possible projects for bachelor students. A suggestion of possible topics is given below. Please also look into the descriptions of the various research projects. For more information please contact the DESY Exotics group leaders.


Silicon sensor qualification for the BCM1F detector at CMS